Friday, March 6, 2020

The Pearson English Learning System

The Pearson English Learning SystemThe Pearson English Learning System is a popular multi-media learning program. The program has a software application that you can download onto your computer, a PDF of the curriculum for you to study at home, and a CD of the audio and video lessons. It is recommended for those who are struggling with reading, writing, and comprehension.The Pearson English Learning System uses an instructional system that is based on a learning model known as 'Sapir-Whorf' theory. The learning program, like most other English Language Learning Programs, uses Sapir-Whorf Theory. The theory states that what we see is often more true than what we think. As such, the learning system emphasizes education through creating texts and watching videos.This concept is a central concept in the curriculum for the English Learning System. Students will find that English is primarily written and then through reading and listening to the course, they will eventually learn to read a nd write as well. The text lessons are easy to understand and are usually presented in videos, making it easier for the student to learn.The audio portion of the program is another important feature. You will be able to listen to lessons as well as text lectures, taking courses from different parts of the world. This helps to expose students to different cultures and gives them a better understanding of how the language is used and spoken in other countries.The audio lessons are meant to supplement the lessons in the text curriculum. The system also teaches students how to use the English language, which is why the program is also referred to as a 'Language Learning System.' Students are taught to follow phrases and sentences when reading, but not all students are naturally able to do this.Like most language learning programs, the English Learning System teaches you how to read, write, and speak English. These skills help to increase confidence. The program provides proper instructi on on how to do these things, so you do not have to do it on your own. There are many step-by-step instructional guides to help the student learn.To learn to read and write English, the Pearson English Learning System is a very effective program. However, the program may not work well for students who have a difficult time reading and writing. The program is also expensive, with a cost of $495. If you cannot afford to buy the Pearson English Learning System, there are many other programs to choose from.

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